Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Evolution of Technology

Robert Adzhemian
English 113B
Professor Marsh
6 May 2013
                                                             The Evolution of Technology
            Throughout the years, we have watched technology grow vastly like a child developing into an adult. It basically starts out like a baby mostly crying and pooping, then crawling, eventually learning to walk and finally able to run at a speed we wish to keep up with. We've seen technology fail and we've seen it succeed in many ways. We've made fun of technology that does not make sense and we have admired technology when it is brilliant.
            Back in the day people would communicate with family or friends by sending letters and cards through the mail hoping to get a response back, but weeks later. We would also use the telephone and pay for long-distance calls. On top of that, we could only talk to one person at a time. Also if your car broke down there was no way of getting help unless you used a pay phone. Thanks to technology that has all changed.
            In the past decade technology has vastly transformed in the way we communicate today. Instead of mailing letters, we now write emails and messages through Gmail, Yahoo, Windows, Facebook, and MySpace. There is also no hassle, because we can send as many emails as we want and to more than one person. The best part of this is that it is free and no one needs to buy postage stamps anymore. We can also communicate with a friend, by using instant messaging on computers. For example, people use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) or Skype to send fast messages. There is no longer any need for long-distance charges, because Skype is absolutely free. The great thing about Skype is that you can also video chat with people and make long-distance calls. The most important communicating technology today is a mobile phone. Mobile phones have been a blessing, because they let us place calls no matter where we are. The best feature about a mobile phone is that it has text messaging. Text messaging is really efficient and popular among teens. “Teens are sending enormous quantities of text messages a day. Half of teens send 50 or more text messages a day, or 1,500 texts a month, and one in three send more than 100 texts a day, or more than 3,000 texts a month” (Lenhart). It is certainly better than passing a note around in class and happening to lose your love letter that was supposed to be sent to your crush.


            Another technology that we like to use is computers. People would use typewriters to type something out on paper. If a mistake were made, you would have to either whiteout the mistake, cover it with a sticky tape or rewrite it all over again. There was absolutely no way to save your work or make copies. Later on computers and laptops were finally made, which took the pressure off of people who used typewriters everyday and was a big improvement.
            Computers have been a part of our lives for a long time now. “The first computer was invented in 1834, long before TV, telephones and even electricity” (How Was the Computer Invented and When?).  PC’s were the first computers that were made and now they have evolved to have sleeker systems and lightning speeds to help people with school, work, or free time. After computers had their run, Laptops started to rise and became more popular compared to the PC. “By late 1983, … launch of one of the most popular early laptops” (Wilson). Laptops are now able to do the same tasks as PCs, but are much better, because they are portable and can be carried around. Computers have truly helped us multi-task by using programs such as Microsoft Office, checking our emails, looking through photos, and building a music library with iTunes.

            Traveling has also been improved really well. There is no longer any need for going to a travel agent to book our travel plans or any need for a map. Who needs travel agents, when you can use websites like Orbitz, Airfare, and TripIt. These web sites are really great, because they basically organize all of your travel plans, which include flights, hotels, cars, trains, and cruises. You can always go to a travel agent, but why would you if there is a simpler way of doing it. Another reason why these sites are better than going to travel agents is, because they search for the cheapest fares.


            Another improvement in traveling has been maps. I’m sure a lot of people can’t read maps, so GPS devices were made to help people who like to travel a lot. They are great devices, because they help route the location you want to go to. It tells you where to turn next and gives you a heads up about traffic. There is no reason to get lost anymore with the help of  these smart devices.

            One of the most pleasurable things in life is eating. Back in the day eating out was not common. Families would prepare home cooked meals and sit together at the dining room table. It has now changed thanks to technology. There is no need to go to the grocery store and drag all the items you bought back home. Grocery stores are now replaced by sites like FreshDirect and PeaPod. With a few mouse clicks you can order as much as food you want to and the best thing about it is that they will be delivered right to your house. Another improvement is that there is no need to place any phone call orders for food delivery anymore. We can order food from online websites such as Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, etc.

            One of the best improvements in technology has been in entertainment. In the past people would read a book, listen to the radio, and play cards. There was no such thing as boom boxes, iPods, or Kindles. Thanks to Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft we can play video games and compete with people all over the world. While some parents think that video games are bad and addictive for children, playing video games are actually beneficial. “Playing video games help improve concentration, increase attention span, and provide positive affirmation in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” (Boughton).

            Everyone loves to listen to music. There is no need for cd players or the radio. Nowadays, Portable music players, such as the Apple iPod have taken over. They are great devices, because we can store up gigabytes on it and listen to them each and every day. If we get tired of the music we can load different ones in as well.
            Books have also had its share of improving. People now tend to use e-books in order to read their books. For example, people use the Amazon Kindle, which has access to many books. The best thing about it is that you do not need to carry around several books with you. You can carry a lightweight Kindle around with as many books stored in it as you want.                                                            

            Over the last decade, technology has been expanding tremendously. Technology has really changed our lives and has been beneficial to most people. In the past people have struggled due to the fact that technology was not decent. “Since then, the world of technology has shown no signs of slowing down” (How Technology…). It is great that technology has been improved and it should be improved more in the future.


  Works Cited
Boughton, Barbara. "Video Games May Improve Concentration in Children With ADHD." Medscape Today. N.p., 21 May 2009. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.
"How Technology Has Changed Our Lives in the Last Five Years." The Center of Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.
"How Was the Computer Invented and When?" Big Site of Amazing Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.
Lenhart, Amanda. "Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project." Teens and   Mobile Phones. N.p., 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.
Wilson, James E. 2006. Vintage Laptop Computers: First Decade: 1980-89.
Outskirts Press, Inc.